Dale Chapman Chapter


Our grand chapter was started by Dale Chapman, Past Master of Landmark Lodge #383. After Dad Chapman’s death in 2009, the chapter renamed itself after him in his honor.

Through our efforts, we strive to be worthy of him. Our chapter is what any chapter should be: Large, diverse, fun, and benevolent. Our growing chapter has always been the most relaxed of the district, with member-driven activities like go-kart racing, paintball, and D&D. But, that isn’t to say we don’t participate in state activities or even competition.

Our most notable victory in competitions was chapter proficiency in 2015, and our most recent was chess in January 2019.

But, all that aside, Dale Chapman Chapter, Order of DeMolay is a melting pot of those from several different walks of life, and our shared experiences make us closer than just DeMolay brothers. Our boundless comradeship will keep us in touch far after we majority out of the Order.

Maximilian Ortiz, Past Master Councilor (written in 2020)

”Yet each of you, as a DeMolay,
holds within your heart a flame,
a beacon to guide you through the darkness.

If you can make this light shine upon another,
if you can reach into the innermost depths of his soul 
and set his flame afire, then therein lies the purpose of the Order of DeMolay, and therein lies your purpose for living.” 

~The Ceremony of Light

Sponsored by: Landmark Lodge #383
720 N Apache Cir. Deltona, Florida 32725

Institution date: February 2005

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