Twice yearly, our members elect and appoint a new corp of officers. These officers work together to plan everything the Chapter accomplishes each year. These are our spring 2023 officers:
Master Councilor Airon K.
Senior Councilor Ethan V.
Junior Councilor Anthony M.
Senior Deacon Zander T.
Junior Deacon Toby S.
Chaplain Ryon K.
Marshal Kayden B.
Senior Steward Clinton V.
Junior Steward Sion K.
Standard Bearer Jacob M.
Sentinel Cole W.
Orator Presley M.
Our adult Advisors are Parents, Masons, and Senior DeMolay, who volunteer with our Chapter, mentor our members, and chaperone our events. We work with the members of our Chapter as they plan fun events, charitable projects, and fundraisers. Advisors are appointed for one year at a time.
Contact the entire advisory board at <>.
Chairman Dad John Bidoli
Chapter Advisor Mom Sandy King <>
Fundraising Mom Noelle Tingler <>
Dad Len Morreale
Dad Harvey King
Dad Carlos Crispin
Dad Jason Miller
Mom Tiffany Machusak
Mom Stacey Van De Wiele