5 new members

At our District conclave on October 23, we initiated 5 new members into our Chapter at an outdoor degree with officers from all over Florida

Before the Initiation, we played games and had a pool party. Members from across the district and around the state met and discussed various topics related to membership, fundraising and having fun with their DeMolay brothers.

BINGO night – on Dec. 6

Dale Chapman Chapter, DeMolay has been looking for fun ways to interact with our community. We had to put this off due to the quarantine, but we are back and better than ever!

BINGO night– on Dec. 6, at 6:30 pm at the West Volusia Shrine Club on 15A in Deland, Reservations requested… Use the Register Button to reserve your seat by purchasing at least one set of Bingo cards

So come one all and join us for a rousing good time playing Bingo.

We will have individual bingo cards that night for $1 each. We would love to presale/ reserve cards so that we have an idea of how many people are coming, but walk-ins are welcome.

During each round of our Bingo Game that night you can play as many game cards as you like.

Prizes will be awarded. (We are currently looking for people and groups to sponsor our prizes – gift cards, and baskets are appreciated.)

There will be snacks and drinks available to purchase that night, and we are also having a bake sale – Who wants scones?

Installation of Officers on Sept 29, 2020

Installation of Officers on Sept 29, 2020

We met at Landmark Lodge and shared dinner at 6pm. Our installation was held under new business during our meeting last night.

Sion K served as Installing officer. Airon K. served was Installing Marshall

Master Councilor – Airon King, LoK; Senior Councilor – Andrew Tingler LoK; and Junior Councilor – Zander Tingler LoK, remained in their positions from last term

Sion installed David K. as Senior Deacon and Cole W. as Junior Deacon.

The chapter then voted to hold a dinner before both of their 2 ritual meetings each month. Cole is now the Chairman of the food committee. All expenses to be paid by donations of the membership or chapter.

There will be a lockin this Saturday to Sunday – We will meet at 12:30 and go help Brother Carl Carey with yard work. We will then have water fight to clean up.
Yard work is to be done as a donation to Brother Carey.

We also voted to spend our Almoner’s fund on a Turkey dinner to donate through the schools at Thanksgiving.

Bingo Night July 31st

Bingo Night July 31st

BINGO and Bake Sale

Dale Chapman Chapter, DeMolay has been looking for fun ways to interact with our community. We had to put this off due to the quarantine, but we are back and better than ever!

BINGO night– on July 31, at 7:30 pm at the West Volusia Shrine Club on 15A in Deland, Reservations requested… Use the Register Button to reserve your seat by purchasing at least one set of Bingo cards

So come one all and join us for a rousing good time playing Bingo.

We will have individual bingo cards that night for $1 each. We would love to presale/ reserve cards so that we have an idea of how many people are coming, but walk-ins are welcome.

Use the Register Button on our event page to buy bingo cards – buy as many as you like (in groups of 6)

During each round of our Bingo Game that night you can play as many game cards as you like.

Prizes will be awarded. (We are currently looking for people and groups to sponsor our prizes – gift cards, and baskets are appreciated.)

There will be snacks and drinks available to purchase that night, and we are also having a pre-order bake sale – Who wants scones? (all other snacks and drinks can be purchased on site…)the pre-order form is on our event page to buy your scones online – we will deliver them on bingo night…

Tonight’s meeting was held on Zoom

Tonight’s meeting was held on Zoom

First – I want to thank everyone who attended tonight’s meeting. Your interest in our Chapter is very much appreciated.

We had 6 Chapter members present – 4 logged into zoom and 2 attended with Sion in his account – Thank you all for being there.

Guests were:
Jason Miller, Secretary-Landmark Lodge;
Jared C., Landmark Lodge;
Dad Ed Ghiglieri ,Advisor Dale Chapman Chapter;
Dad Carlos Crispin, Advisor Dale Chapman Chapter;
Dad John Bidoli, Chairman Dale Chapman Chapter Advisory Board;
Mom Sandra King, Chapter Advisor (Dad) Chapman Chapter Advisory Board
We had 11 logged into Zoom – so I missed someone on my list – I am sorry. Let me know and I will add your name..

Please note these upcoming events – we would love to see you!

  • Friday July 10 – Midnight is the deadline for Ritual competition entries.
  • Wednesday, July 15 – Practice at 7:30pm
  • Saturday, July 18 – Conclave 2020 streams online
  • Wednesday the 22nd  – Committee meetings at 6pm (before balloon fight)
  • Wednesday the 22nd  – Dinner (hotdogs) at 7pm – all are welcome
  • Wednesday the 22nd  at 7:30pm – Balloon fight with members of Landmark Lodge – and pour buckets of ice water on our Master Councilor depending on how much is donated for Alex’ Lemonade Stand.
  • Saturday July 25thBike ride – meet at 9am at Lake Beresford Park – Brothers from Landmark are joining us to ride to Blue Springs and back.
  • Wednesday July 29thAdvisors meeting at Shrine club to preview for Bingo
  • Friday July 31st – Bingo at the West Volusia Shrine Club – DeMolay arrive by 6:30 to setup.
    • Doors open at 7:30pm we hope to start playing by 8pm
    • Games can be purchased that night – $1 per game – play as many games at a time as you choose. (If you have prepaid for games – $5 bought 6 games – bring your tickets to redeem.)
    • Prizes will be gift wrapped packages selected from a table at the end of each game…
    • We will have a snack bar with food and beverage options
    • If you have pre-ordered Scones – you can pick them up at Bingo

May Updates and Donation


I hope that all of you have come through this COVID -19 quarantine period without too much stress and hardship. Our members have been holding online (Zoom) meetings once each month since the quarantine came to Florida.

The Grand Lodge of Florida is relaxing its restrictions on meetings as of June 1st and we will let you know as soon as Florida DeMolay confirms that we are allowed to begin meeting in person at the lodge again.

Last Sunday several of our members and 1 prospect went for a bike ride from Lake Beresford to Valentine Park and then we shared a picnic lunch before holding a water balloon fight and heading home. Everyone had a grand time and it was wonderful to see people in person again.

We have had a donation button on the front of our website for the last year or so. I am happy to report that we have received our first donation.

On May 15, 2020, we received an anonymous donation of $1.00. Paypal credited our account on May 25th. To our anonymous donor – Thank you, every penny helps! Our budget for each year, including Conclave and Mini-Conclave, runs close to $8000.

We are also still collecting for this year’s Florida DeMolay 5K to benefit Alex’s Lemonade Stand. – We will be collecting for this through the beginning of July. Please let Mom Sandy or one of our members know if you would like to make a donation…

We are pleased to announce the Florida DeMolay Virtual 5K for $5K!
Our SMC has selected Alex’s Lemonade Stand (https://www.alexslemonade.org) as his charity for this term. Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) is changing the lives of children with cancer by funding impactful research, raising awareness, supporting families and empowering everyone to help cure childhood cancer.
His goal is to raise at least $5,000 for this worthy charity! Let’s help this awesome cause!!!


May 15 we received a video from our Executive officer letting us know among other things that this year’s summer conclave has been canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I have embedded it below, in case you would like to watch and listen to him.

Virtual Meeting today

Good day! I do hope all is well with you and your families during this time.

While we are prohibited from having in-person meetings until at least May 4, 2020, our Chapter is still required to hold their regular meetings virtually.

The invitation to tonights meeting went out via text message but just in case you didn’t get it, here it is again…

Sandra King is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Dale Chapman Demolay Zoom Meeting
Time: Apr 8, 2020, 07:25 PM Eastern Time
Every month on the Second Wed.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 589 223 723

There should not be a password required – if you have problems logging in, please text Mom Sandy at 386-453-6738

If any of our members attend another Chapter’s virtual meeting, this will count toward the Visitation Merit Bar and points can be earned for the Chapter of the Year program.


From your Executive Officer – COVID-19 UPDATE – March 17, 2020
Dear Florida DeMolays, Advisors and supporters:
This is the latest in several updates prepared as information, directives and proclamations are made by local, state and federal government and by fraternal leaders which impact our operations.
This latest update is to communicate a directive issued earlier this afternoon from Most Worshipful John Westerman, III, Grand Master of Masons in Florida. In his Directive No. 3, accessible here (click), Grand Master Westerman suspends all fraternal operations in Florida Masonic Lodges, to include appendant and concordant bodies and youth groups which meet in the Lodge buildings – effective immediately and through May 4th, 2020.
This directive extends the suspension that I ordered yesterday, by a full month.
While from a fraternal operations perspective, this temporary hiatus will severely impact the term plans for our installed Master Councilors. Please know that I remain in conversation with the Executive and State Staff, and in particular, our Director of DeMolay Awards, working on a policy and procedure to temporarily amend the requirements for those who planned to earn the Past Master Councilor’s Meritorious Service Award (PMC-MSA) for this term. More on those amended policies will be released as they become available.
Additionally, please know that we all encourage the local Chapter members to work in the background to further their DeMolay experience, using this as an opportunity to complete their Representative DeMolay (RD) application forms and Leadership Correspondence Courses (LCC) both of which can be completed remotely; the RD is a self-assessment which is done on your own, and the resources needed to complete all five modules of the LCC are available on the FL DeMolay website. Questions can always be forwarded to administration@fldemolay.com.
Together, we have the opportunity to think “outside the box” as well, as Master Councilors and Advisory Council leaders make plans for the coming weeks. Perhaps adopting a virtual platform could assist with the socialization and interaction of our members during the break. Nothing is off the table as we deliberate and progress through this pandemic.
As of now, plans have been cancelled for the Legion of Honor observance dinners tomorrow evening, the Knighthood-sponsored Spring Festival in April, and the Alumni Weekend in May. We are closely monitoring all edicts and directives as we make plans for Summer Conclave and the remainder of the calendar year. We want to do everything within our power to reschedule these events so that we’re not missing an entire year of fellowship with our Brothers and beloved fraternal family.
It is always recommended to keep in touch with your DeMolay Brothers, Advisors and friends. Remember: “… as long as we remain faithful to these pledges; as long as there is an Order of DeMolay, WE ARE ONE.”
Thank you for your continued devotion to our Order and its mission to be the premier organization for young men across the world.
Fraternally yours,
Dad R. Jordan “Jody” Meguiar
Executive Officer for the Jurisdiction of Florida
Active Member of the International Supreme Council
bingo card image

Bingo Instead of Painting

At our committee meeting this Wednesday, our chapter went over plans for the painting party. The committee discussed costs, and the party was going to cost us over $1000, while we expected to make less than $400 net profit.

The members decided that they would scrap the paint party and instead hold a bingo night. We will still be delivering scones and pies and will have other snacks and baked goods for sale at the event.

So come one all and join us for a rousing good time playing Bingo. We will have individual bingo cards and books of cards available that night. We would love to presale/ reserve cards so that we have an idea of how many people are coming, but walk-ins are welcome.

Bake Sale
Other items will be available to purchase at the event.